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Notice of Loan Fund Availability

State Energy Conservation Office (SECO)

Notice of Loan Fund Availability SEP IIJA EE RLF

for the

Other Program


Submitter Information

Title is required.
First Name is required.
Last Name is required.
Your email is required.
Phone number is required.

Proposer/Applicant is required.
Vendor ID is required and must be 11 digits.
FEI is required and must be 9 digits.
Mail Code is required and must be 3 digits.(If you do not know your mail code enter 000.)

Please enter your address.
Please enter your address.
Please select a valid City.

Entity type is required.
Type of Business Entity is required.
State of Incorporation is required.
Name and location of Texas offices is required.
All affiliated companies and subsidiaries are required.
Please Enter a requested loan amount.

Signing Authority
Title is required.
First Name is required.
Last Name is required.
Your email is required.
Phone number is required.

Project Director
Title is required.
First Name is required.
Last Name is required.
Your email is required.
Phone number is required.

Financial Contact
Title is required.
First Name is required.
Last Name is required.
Your email is required.
Phone number is required.

Upload Files
File Description
A file is required.

A secure link enabling you to access this draft application/proposal will be sent to the email address input on the application.
The message sender is “SECO Help.“
Open the email and click on the provided hyperlink to access your saved application/proposal.